Deploying a Django application in VM
For development server we can use the built-in Django server. But for production we need to use a web server like Apache or Nginx. In this tutorial we will use Nginx.
- For safety create a new production branch in git and push it to the server.
git branch prod
git checkout prod
git push origin prod
- Now we have to install gunicorn then we can call it directly
pip install gunicorn
- Our project have a file, so we can directly start wsgi server
cd backend/anwesha
gunicorn anwesha.asgi
- We have some pending configuration in wsgi server, but lets setup nginx first
sudo apt-get install nginx
- Now we have to configure nginx to serve our application. We will use a reverse proxy to serve our application. We will use a file named
directory. This file will contain the following configuration
server {
listen 80;
location / {
- Now we have to enable this configuration by creating a symbolic link in
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/anwesha.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
- Now we have to restart nginx server
sudo systemctl restart nginx
Now we have a reverse proxy that serves forwards all request at port 80 to port 8000
Before moving to wsgi configuration, lets setup ssl certificate with letsencrypt. We will use certbot to generate ssl certificate. We will use nginx plugin to generate certificate.
sudo apt-get install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
- Now we have to generate certificate
sudo certbot --nginx -d
- we should add it to crontab to renew certificate automatically
sudo crontab -e
- Add the following line to crontab
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet
- Now that our server is running fine, we have some pending configuration in wsgi server. We have to configure gunicorn to serve our application. I am keeping the filename as
and it is in the same directory
wsgi_app = 'anwesha.wsgi'
bind = ''
workers = 4
loglevel = "debug"
keep-alive = 60
threads = 4
pid = './conf/'
access-logfile = './conf/gunicorn-access.log'
capture_output = True
- We can demonize and run in background, but for this case i’ll run in screen terminal.
- Now we are ready to start our server with gunicorn as deamon
gunicorn -c ./conf/
- Push the prod branch.